Wanted! Ladies who are xNFx in the MBTI® System

Your top 2-3 Problems... bring them and let's solve them!

Enrollment opens Tues./ Nov. 26th, 2024 @ 1 am


Enrollment closes Tues./ Dec. 31st @ Midnight

Your Image

Join us in our Zoom Living Room

Your Image

Save 72% as a Christmas Gift

With a Certified MBTI® ...and... MMTIC® Consultant

Secure Yourself in a Closed-Circle MBTI xNFx Support

Group with 15 Ladies (maximum)

5-Months of Coverage

10-Sessions Total

One Session Every Other Week of

90-minutes sharing & learning

from each other | with each other


January 29, 2025



With CHOICE of Two Times

You commit to Your GROUP for

10 Sessions

Which time - which ball - below suits you best?

* availability limited to 15 ladies *


And commit to Your GROUP for

10 Sessions with Coach Ruth

Are you often misunderstood?

Do you feel frustrated and alone?

Do you wonder if there is something wrong with you?

Would you like to feel better?

Would you like DO better?

Would you like to improve your experience of Life and Relationships?

Have you found some answers in MBTI?

Are you an advocate of MBTI?

Have you verified your type?

* availability limited to 15 ladies *

Over 10 Sessions we will discuss and support one another using these Topics as our Guide

IF you know you are an NF in MBTI, then, THIS is for you!

What does Coach Ruth do?

Coach Ruth helps MBTI advocates

-especially MBTI xNFx types-

tweak "things" to experience MORE ease-in-this-world

while retaining their identity.

IF you know you are an NF in MBTI, then, THIS is for you!

Come OUT of the Darkness : Come into Connection and Belonging

A Generous Gift from this experienced Seeker of Truth...

IF you know you are an NF in MBTI, then, THIS is for you!


"Ships don't sink because of the water around them. Ships sink because of the water that gets in them. DON'T let what's happening around you get inside you and weigh you down."

SECURE your own ship with SUPPORT

5-Months for US $500

4 Different Meeting Times to choose from for you to get Tucked into the SUPPORT that will Make The Difference

Choose Which Day is Best for You:

Either Wednesdays OR Mondays


every other week


every other week

What is 2:15 PM Irish Time for You?

-find it in the chart below-

best viewed on a desktop

Your Image

What Time is 12 NOON Irish Time for You?

-find it in the chart below-

best viewed on a desktop

Your Image

IF you know you are an NF in MBTI, then, THIS is for you!

Here's Everything You Get...

The Big Benefit

What Coach Ruth can DO for you...

Validate your perspective

Reframe difficult or challenging experiences

Put courage in your heart

Cast a vision for you based on your dreams and aspirations

Advocate for you in certain circumstances

Guide you through minefields

Identify and isolate the "leaks" in your Life bucket

Repair your motivation

Train you to flourish

Mentor you in upgrading your soft skills and your EQ

BE a sounding board for your ideas and questions

Support you as you face hard realities from your past and in your present

Pray for you, for your protection, safety, mental and emotional well-being, and financial independence

Teach you Biblical meditation

Stand in your corner and be a presence cheering you on

Help you recover your "Why"

Devise and prepare your Personal Development Plan .... .... with the option of including TTI Success Insights TriMetrix® EQ. THIS TTI SI report combines three sciences: Behaviors, Drivers and Emotional Quotient.

This particular combination of sciences unveils crucial insights into your ability to sense, understand and effectively apply the power of emotions to facilitate high levels of collaboration and productivity EQ.


Coach Ruth is a TTISI Certified Professional Behavioural Analyst, Motivators Analyst, EQ Analyst, and Competencies Analyst. PLUS...

Coach Ruth and TTI Emotional Quotient assessment analysis and private debrief consultation

*Note : engaging with the TTI assessments, analysis and private debriefs are NOT included in the price of this current offer: 5-Months for $500 ..... They are an add-on.

As a certified MBTI Verification Analyst ...as well as a... certified MMTIC Consultant, Coach Ruth loves her work so much that she founded Discover The Way Forward Institute - which has 5 Divisions to it....

Coach Ruth is focused on and passionate about Personal Growth, conscious Personal Development and Relationships - especially Communication! And, not only these topics but ALSO Root Development in The Scriptures - The Living Word of The Living God. She believes we can go higher and further when we can get to the "root" of our problems, and, clear out the fields in our soul just like a farmer clears his fields of rocks & rubble.

To Coach Ruth every human is a GEM and precious.

Every person is valuable, "a worthy work in progress".

But her specialty is the - MBTI xNFx - who is also either SEEKING more truth, Bible Literate, or, has been subjected to spiritual abuse and wants a BETTER Life.

There is a Lay-A-Way Plan. Use it.

IF you know you are an NF in MBTI, then, THIS is for you!

What are the key components of spiritual abuse, particularly in women?

Coach Ruth is the antidote to this problem:

Control: The abuser may try to control the victim's thoughts, beliefs, and actions by claiming to have a special connection to God or a higher power. They may use spiritual teachings or practices to justify their behaviour and pressure the victim to conform to their expectations.

Isolation: The abuser may try to isolate the victim from family, friends, or other sources of support, claiming that these people are a "bad influence" or that the victim needs to be more "devout" in their faith.

Guilt and shame: The abuser may use guilt and shame as a way to manipulate the victim, telling them that they are not good enough or that they are "sinful" for not conforming to the abuser's expectations.

Manipulating spiritual beliefs: The abuser may distort or misuse spiritual beliefs or teachings in order to justify their behaviour or control the victim.

Physical, emotional, or sexual abuse: Spiritual abuse can often be accompanied by other forms of abuse, such as physical, emotional, or, sexual abuse. The abuser may use spiritual language or beliefs to justify these actions or to make the victim feel guilty for speaking out.

Denigration: Spiritual abusers may use their spiritual beliefs or practices to belittle, shame, or denigrate women, often in the name of "holiness" or "purity."

Exploitation: Spiritual abusers may use their spiritual authority or position to exploit women financially or sexually.

Unreasonable Restrictions: Spiritual abusers may use their position or authority to stop or block the victim from gaining employment, or, stop or block the victim from establishing relationships with others, and/or control the victim's physical environment and/or means of transport.

Destruction: Spiritual abusers may use their position or authority to destroy relationships that the victim may have that do not meet with the approval of the abuser. Spreading false rumours, spreading accusations, or creating confusion in the victim's mind are often the tactics. The abuser's objective is to corner the victim so that the victim is reluctant to ask others for help.

Inappropriate Interference: There are seasons in life, e.g., childhood, school years, young adulthood, one's 20s, one's 30s, one's 40s. Spiritual abusers may use their position or authority to interfere in the victim's life in such as way as to "steal" or "rob" from the victim their chance of experiencing a season of life. Compare this experience with a snapshop (below) of the natural stages of Life according to Levinson (1978).

Lack of accountability: Spiritual abusers may use their spiritual authority or position to avoid accountability for their actions, often claiming that their actions are divinely inspired or protected.

....Certain relationships hinder spiritual growth.... and being in a relationship with a spiritual abuser is one of those "hindering" relationships.

It is important to note that spiritual abuse can be difficult to identify, as it often occurs within the context of seemingly legitimate religious or spiritual practices. It's also important to remember that spiritual abuse is never acceptable and that seeking help is always a valid option.

Levinson’s stages (at least up to midlife) are presented below

(Levinson, 1978)

He suggested that periods of transition last about five years and periods of stability last about seven years. The ages presented below are based on life in the middle-class several decades ago.

Early adult transition (17-22) : Leaving home, leaving family; making first choices about career and education.

Entering the adult world (22-28) : Committing to an occupation, defining goals, finding intimate relationships.

Age 30 transition (28-33) : Re-evaluating those choices and perhaps making modifications or changing one’s attitude toward love and work.

Settling down (33 to 40) : Reinvesting in work and family commitments; becoming involved in the community.

Midlife transition (40-45) : Re-evaluating previous commitments; making dramatic changes if necessary; giving expression to previously ignored talents or aspirations; feeling more of a sense of urgency about life and its meaning.

Entering middle adulthood (45-50) : Committing to new choices made and placing one’s energies into these commitments.

IF you know you are an NF in MBTI, then, THIS is for you!

Take a Look Under The Hood...

Your Image
Your Image

About Coach Ruth..... educated at an exclusive private Liberal Arts College in midwest USA, graduating with honours in International Economics with a focus on History and the German Language, Coach Ruth has had a vibrant, unconventional, colorful, and deeply satisfying Life thus far. Birthing her 3 sons in her forties has been an adventure that added a new dimension to personal development. These 3 amazing boys are now young men. Coached from Coach Ruth's ToolBox they are prepared and more than able to navigate this world and pursue their dreams. They have learned their lessons well.

Out-of-the-Box thinking is Coach Ruth's preference. Analogies, metaphors, and illustrations drawn with words are her secret weapons. The GOD of the Bible is her Love. ..... And, she tries (very hard) to let emotional intelligence guide her innovative creative approach when mingling with fellow humans in the highways-and-byways of Life.

Yes, Coach Ruth always capitalises the word Life. Because Life is ALIVE. Dynamic. Always changing as are people. There is NO such thing as "staying the same". One is either growing closer to Love, or, growing further away from Love. There are no empty voids and there is NO "having arrived".

These NF Living Success private groups are for people who understand this.

Do you?

Coach Ruth is 50% Hungarian and raised without a father. The "black Irish" identity on the maternal side shaped Coach Ruth's upbringing..... with an ever-pervasive Affinity with Spain. The twists and turns of Life prepared Coach Ruth to be a highly successful Medical Software Trainer in Military Hospitals all over the USA. .... As an Implementation Specialist in Radiology, Laboratory and Pharmacy workcenters, Coach Ruth troubleshooted problems for a Living. She's darn good at it. Here's a visual for you to get an idea of her Life on constant business travel....

IF you know you are an NF in MBTI, then, THIS is for you!

What's In It For You?

Like a dry sponge, you will absorb these benefits consciously and unconsciously.

The incoming information will change you for the better. And, as you "step out to find out", with the NF Living Success cap on, you'll discover new understandings. All your big or little encounters are worthy material for group support.

Validation. Acceptance. Approval. You get heard and understood. With these big 3, you're liberated to move forward and create your own results.

Solid Hope along with Anchors to hold on to.....

Translations ... for the NF or those who love them

Word Scripts : what to say in different situations - to get your needs & wants met

Practical Guidance : “rules” that stand the test of Time

TIPS & Tricks for navigating the Objective Concrete Sequential World of xSTx

Collection of Valid Perspectives that you probably don't have

Adjustments & Exercises around Failure : Failure is a learning process. YEP... Failure is an effective process of learning IF deconstructed properly.

Improved Language Skills to improve your Negotiating Skills

Increased Confidence! ... It's OK to see the world thru NF Imagination, which helps ALL of us confront the future and create it with artistry.

Ugraded Skills - to handle people and circumstances

Cycle Identification ... and custom worksheets to aid you in breaking free.

Training in Reframing ... skill in exchanging old frames with new frames of reference : upgrade your settings and borders

Instructions: Step-by-Step

Approaches that Work ... when dealing with your opposite MBTI type

New Communication Skills ... to communicate to your significant others that NF composes things in Possibility BEFORE we realise them in Actuality.

Improved Boundaries : pyschological, emotional, spiritual, financial, practical

Better Money Mgmt ... intro to T.Harv Eker's JARS Money Management System

Time : Tools & Management for the NF ... rituals instead of routines .... embracing fuzzy edges and giving your Ne / Ni assignments

Support in Real Time

Clarity ... and the Comfort it brings with it

Compassion ... and TIPS on how to add Self-Compassion into your daily Life

Happiness ... and how to make it a feature in the NF Life

The Option ... to grow your Emotional Intelligence exponentially through 1-on-1 Training using TTI Success Insights TriMetrix® EQ bundled triple science assessment.

A really big TAKE-AWAY for you will be this : your worth and your belonging are not negotiated with other people. We carry those inside of our hearts. Our Destination is to get clear on who we are.

You will learn to say with confidence this belief:

I know who I am and I’m not going to negotiate that with you or anyone. I will negotiate a contract with you, or a topic with you, but, I’m not going to negotiate who I am with you. ….because then, I may fit-in for you, but I no longer belong to myself and THAT is a betrayal that I am not willing to do anymore.”

IF you know you are an NF in MBTI, then, THIS is for you!

For You ... Topics We Could Discuss

There is SO MUCH to talk about... it will be NFs together working on our "issues" in solidarity. Coach Ruth comes prepared. But, it will be the individuals in the group who decide what topics need the spotlight for the next week, week-after-week.

Coach Ruth will share content for about 20-minutes to get the ball rolling. But, the rest of the 90-minutes it will be interactive, like a group workshop. We will assist one another, in our worksheets, practices, role-plays, mock interviews, whatever comes up! The group "belongs" to the members in it. Below is just a sample of some topics for workshop discussion. This list is not exhaustive.

What would you LIKE to discuss?

Introduction to The Tablecloth™ and Orientation.

TIME, Issues around Time for the NF, and Time Management : bring your own examples

Boundaries AS Different Types of Fencing and Gates for the NF .... all the different types of boundaries (internal and external . physical, mental, emotional, sexual, financial) : bring your own examples

Conflict with ST types and What ST is afraid of ..... conflict with ST : why it happens, and what to do to avoid or at least navigate it

Work Environments and the World of Work for the NF : bring your scenarios and struggles

HOW to Get Yourself HEARD by ST in a way that they will respect and honour you : words and phrases that work

Let's TAKE-ON All Those "Labels" Head-on, Together : that "you're unique", "you're different", "autistic", "manipulative", "narcissistic", etc...

Adjustments & Exercises around NF "Failure" : bring your scenarios and struggles and personal examples so that we can help you harvest the gold

Self-Care and Self Compassion and How it Balances the Nervous System : things we can do as an NF that will improve the quality of our lives and minister to our own needs

Properly Stewarding NF Imagination : learning and practicing when and how to "share"

Triggers that cause us "to cave" : How to Keep a Trigger Worksheet and single-handedly upgrade your own emotional intelligence

"The Past" .... How to Know IF it is controlling our Future ... and what to DO about it

How to Reframe by Seeing Another Perspective and building another "picture" of what also happened

Build a Collection of Healthy and Wholesome Affirmations and Mantras .... specifically for NF Happiness in the Here-and-Now

Approaches to Dealing With The Important People in Your Life : the people you live with or work with, IF you know their mbti type, THOSE types get featured in our sessions

VALUES .... What are they for you personally ... and How to structure your NF Life around your heartfelt values .... for your values are the foundation to your Life of Happiness

The Power of Rewards and Giving Someone a Reputation to Live UP to.... a marvelous route to NF Happiness

What is Money? ... let's understand it as an NF and then, make it work for us in the "real" world (said tongue-in-cheek)

Self-Assessment Wheels ...and... S.M.A.R.T. GOALS .... we will brainstorm together and appraise the "value" of different healthy and wholesome "Intentions" around each topical item

The Option ... to grow your Emotional Intelligence exponentially through 1-on-1 Training using TTI Success Insights TriMetrix® EQ bundled triple science assessment.

IF you know you are an NF in MBTI, then, THIS is for you!

Save 72% On Your Mentoring because....

Save 72% On Your Mentoring because....

This is a BETA coaching program offered to a small group of participants for the purpose of gathering feedback and making improvements with your help before the full launch of the program.

Some important points about this *BETA* project:

1. It is a limited-time opportunity to participate in the program at a discounted rate.

2. Participants will have the opportunity to shape the direction and content of the program by providing feedback.

3. The program may not be fully developed and there may be some rough edges or areas that are still being refined.

4. Participation in the BETA program does not guarantee a spot in the full program once it launches.

5. This BETA program is an opportunity for participants to try out the coaching experience and see if it is a good fit for them, without committing to the full program.

Do You Like a Bonus or Two?

Special Bonus #1

Resilience Planner : Daily Journal Meditation Exercise and Worksheet PDF. Set includes 31-Days ready for printing and assembling into rings or a binder. This tool will help you BE INTENTIONAL at the start of each day. Designed by Coach Ruth for Coach Ruth. It's value has proven itself. It focuses the mind and leads you forward ONE STEP at a time. So you can "march on" with confidence & purpose.

30-Day Daily Journaling Exercise Worksheet PDF
Vision Board as a Wall of Prayer Coverage

Special Bonus #2

Your name, and your photo (if you approve), will go up on Coach Ruth's Vision Board. Coach Ruth will pray for you and cover what is dear to your heart --- what is important to you --- in prayers. Coach Ruth will advocate on your behalf before The Throne of Heaven. (She is on really good terms with The Court there, abiding in the Vine.)

Joining an NF Living Success group brings you into her world; and, her world is bathed in daily heartfelt prayers that are heard. Without faith it is impossible to please GOD. Coach Ruth will plead the case of the fatherless in such a way as to win it (Jeremiah 5:28).

100% Customer Satisfaction Guarantee

A Risk-free Guarantee

Now it's time for one more bonus! Coach Ruth is so confident of the veracity (pronounced "vurr-ass-city") of MBTI and her seasoned expertise that IF you are not completely satisfied with your NF Living Success experience ... if it has not met or exceeded your expectations ... Coach Ruth will make it right or refund your money. She only asks for your honest feedback in writing so that she can adjust NF Living Success for the benefit of everyone.

IF you know you are an NF in MBTI, then, THIS is for you!

Personal Growth Made Simple

Your Image

Achieving Mastery

Your Image

Taking Inventory

Your Image

Accelerating Growth

Your Image

Analysing Pros & Cons

Your Image

Thinking Clearly

Your Image

Facing Challenges

Your Image

Checking In

Your Image

Fitting In Seamlessly

What Others Are Saying... #1

Coach Ruth has a really great understanding of the MBTI and the different perspectives each type experiences in the world. Her program helped me so much with my own Self-Care, mental processing, conversations, interactions, and navigating my relationships with opposite types.

She explained the various perspectives of each type in a way that made sense to me and motivated me to work well with them.

Her Scripts are a real Life-Saver.

She is great at showing each type how to work & live well with others. … Coach Ruth supported me using “Translations” that helped me to understand how others think. … Her coaching really helped to smooth interactions with the different MBTI types. She demonstrated HOW TO "Re-Frame Past Experiences"​ in a very practical & clear manner.

I have grown so much in my own confidence through Coach Ruth's guidance and support.

Her knowledge of MBTI Cognitive Stacks empowers her to really help people Navigate Real Life Situations through practical applications such as The Tablecloth (TM) and Table Legs (TM)​. These really simple but tools effectively guide each type into better and deeper understandings.

The Result : more satisfying experiences in everyday life. Thanks so much Coach Ruth.

Melinda, London, England, Creative Manager at MXG Media LLC.
Melinda, London, England
Creative Manager at MXG Media LLC.

Just In Case You're Wondering IF "this shoe fits you"...

*VERY . LIMITED . SPACES . for . those . types . circled . in . red . above*

IF you know you are an NF in MBTI, then, THIS is for you!

What Others Are Saying... #2

It is challenging to understand teenagers as they go through huge emotional and social changes.

For me (ISTJ), it was very difficult to lessen the tension between me and my two teenagers aged 13 (INFP) and 15 (INTP). It seemed like I never understood them no matter how I tried. Being a single mother with a full-time job, I barely have the time to properly figure out the causes of friction. I just did not know how to connect with them; and, I started doubting my ability to parent them, hence, I started asking other mothers.

In doing so, I met Coach Ruth in person (as she has 3 teen sons). She introduced me to MBTI and carefully analysed the differences in our personality types.

She patiently explained each of our personality types and used them as a roadmap to navigate me in understanding our different strengths, weaknesses, and preferences. Although MBTI is a widely used psychological instrument, I had never believed in it.

But after meeting with Coach Ruth, all is different now. She encouraged me to try it, and then, she guided me on how to use it.

It is absolutely amazing to be able to better understand my teens and discover what and who they are from a new perspective!

This realisation dramatically changed my relationship with my teens for the better.

BrendaLynn , Scientist at Abbott Ireland Diagnostics.
Scientist at Abbott Ireland Diagnostics.

Frequently Asked Questions...

How long is this offer available?

This unique and uncommon offer is available now and expires on Tuesday / December 31st , 2024 at MIDNIGHT.

Take action before all the seats are taken.
Space is limited to 30 women or less, split between two groups.

Coach Ruth prefers small groups.
And, you can book your group in BULK seats in the checkout.
Isn't that great! In just one checkout, you can reserve a place for ALL the Ladies in your group.

This ADVANCE NOTICE gives you the chance to do what we used to do in the old-days: "Lay-A-Way"
So, you can pay small amounts over time in advance.
Here's YOUR chance to do "Lay-A-Way".

We kick-off with our FIRST Private Group Session in JANUARY 29th, 2025.

BLOCK space on your WEDNESDAYs for this wonderful self-care.

Coach Ruth is praying for each one who is supposed to participate. Our times are in His Hands. "Take the dead things oh King of Glory."

This is for women only, right?

Correct! .....the males will be escorted out of the room.

IF there are males who are interested in such a group, then, encourage them to contact Coach Ruth directly to express their interest.

It works really well also when interested parties band together and approach Coach Ruth as a pre-defined group of people who want to work together.

In the checkout, it is possible to purchase 10 seats and any number less than 10.

What happens after this Gift Offer expires?

After the deadline passes, the price goes up and some of the bonuses are removed.

The deadlines are set and clear and enforced.
Why? .....because Coach Ruth always gives plenty of time in advance for people to join up and become a part of the group.

Deadlines are an important part of Life. They keep us on track and focused. They are like a good friend - bringing out the best in us :-)

What is MBTI xNFx ?

Gotta be real honest, if you don't know what MBTI xNFx is, then I'm not sure you would be comfortable sequestered away with other MBTI advocates who are convinced about the validity and strength of knowledge behind MBTI Cognitive Stacks. This is a support group for those who already resonate with the Myers-Briggs MBTI system.

What if I can't make one of the dates?

I hear you. Sometimes schedules conflict. First of all, know that we will miss you. Your absence will be felt.

The next best thing is a recording for you of what we talked about. You will be able to catch up in your own time by watching a video recording in our private members area.

What best describes the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator - MBTI ?

The Myers-Briggs Personality Type Indicator is a self-report inventory designed to identify a person's personality type, strengths, and preferences. The questionnaire was developed by Isabel Myers and her mother Katherine Briggs based on their work with Carl Jung's theory of personality types.

Will there be a sequel after this 5-Month Group?

IF there is sufficient interest, the short answer is yes. Our lives continue so why shouldn't our support?

Yes. IF an established group would like to continue after the 5-Months are finished, then, as a result of our growth together, there can be a sequel.

The cherry on top is that sequel's receive the added BONUS of the original Gift Offer pricing. Yes, when a group continues on, the price of renewal stays the same as the Gift Offer. :-)

How much does it cost to join a private group?

5-Months for US $500 ..... Your group will meet ONLINE on Zoom for 90-minutes EVERY OTHER WEEK for a total of TEN Sessions.

There are two different payment plans.
The first option is to pay over 2-months: each monthly payment is $265.

The second option is over 3-months: each monthly payment is $185.

When does the private group 1st Session start?

The first NF Living Success Support Group starts on the LAST WEDNESDAY in JANUARY 2025 ...
WEDNESDAY - Jan. 29, 2025
WEDNESDAY - Jan. 29, 2025
WEDNESDAY - Jan. 29, 2025
@ 12-Noon IRISH / Dublin time
@ 2:15pm IRISH / Dublin time
IF there is adequate demand for it (namely, 3+ Ladies), Coach Ruth will also facilitate a NF Living Success Support Group for *your* private group. Contact Coach Ruth directly at Headquarters: +353 87 990 7577
WhatsApp works well for this call!
The Times will always be : 12 Noon and 2:15pm IRISH TIME. You may take a look at the Time Conversion Graphic on this page to more easily convert the time into your time zone. Hopefully, with clocks changing, it's near the correct times.

For example: 2:15pm IRISH TIME is 9:15am EST ...and... 6:15am PST.

Each person chooses ONE of these times to commit to for the duration of the 5-Months.

THE GOAL: to find the Solutions to YOUR Problems.

WHY does Coach Ruth consider adhering to a cancellation policy (CP) a must?

Mutual Respect: Having a client who respects not only my expertise but my time is very important. Just as Coach Ruth values each client’s time, Coach Ruth expects each client to value her time. For a coaching / mentoring relationship to work, it must be a two-way street!

Accountability: The truth is, for many clients, knowing that they are financially responsible for missed sessions often helps them stay accountable and on-track.

Revenue: Things come up – Sickness, work commitments, fatigue, unexpected family issues, etc… However, we can never get back the time lost. WITHOUT adhering to a sound cancellation policy any business will lose a significant portion of revenue.

Scheduling: Coach Ruth does not want to be constantly trying to plug the holes in her schedule that result from cancellations. This is near impossible, especially if a client cancels with very little notice.

Vetting Process: An enforced CP will either prevent likely repeat cancellation offenders from signing up, or, if they are currently engaged with this service, they will likely stop. This relates directly to the ‘mutual respect’ section denoted above.

IF if a prospective or current client does not value Coach Ruth’s time, she does not want them as a client.

What is the Cancellation Policy (CP) for Coaching Appointments?

Coach Ruth has a firm 24-hour RECIPROCAL, no exception cancellation policy.

Meaning, if you’re sick, stuck in traffic, or called into a late day work meeting that will require you to miss our session, you will be charged.

Conversely, Coach Ruth holds herself to the same standard.
So if she gets sick or gets stuck in traffic and has to miss a session within 24 hours of the start time, Coach Ruth will comp you a session. Fair?

What about Refunds?

Coach Ruth is so confident of the veracity (pronounced "vurr-ass-city") of MBTI and her seasoned expertise that IF you are not completely satisfied with your NF Living Success experience ... if it has not met or exceeded your expectations ... Coach Ruth will make it right or refund your money.

She offers a 100% Customer Satisfaction Risk-free Guarantee.

She only asks for your honest feedback in writing so that she can adjust NF Living Success for the benefit of everyone.

Can I switch groups or make up a missed session in another group?

The short answer is no.
Each group is private and closed once we start. Group members are protected by a confidentiality agreement.
Participation means one will be genuinely committed to the best interests of the group and continue with the group one starts with.

What is a BETA Program?

A BETA Program is something offered to a small group of participants for the purpose of gathering feedback and making improvements with your help before the full launch of the program.

Some important points to factor into your thinking about this BETA project:

1. It is a limited-time opportunity to participate in the program at a discounted rate.

2. Participants will have the opportunity to shape the direction and content of the program by providing feedback. A REAL BONUS FOR EVERYONE!

3. The program may not be fully developed and there may be some rough edges or areas that are still being refined. It is, after all, a "work in progress" like us all.

4. Participation in the BETA program does not guarantee a spot in the full program once it launches.

5. This BETA program is an opportunity for participants to try out the coaching experience with a certified MBTI Practitioner, and see if it is a good fit for them, without committing to the full program.

To enroll in this 5-Month Program, is there an admissions / application process?

No. Not at this time. All are welcome to join as long as you are already an MBTI advocate.

There is only ONE Pre-Requisite:
You must be pro-MBTI, an MBTI advocate. Are you a FAN of MBTI?

In order for everyone to get the most out of this program, it is important that each person feels that they could/would recommend or support the Myers-Briggs MBTI system of understanding people.

Is there an age requirement to participate?

You can start at the NF Living Success Club at 13. However, you must have your parent sign a parental permission form.
Many teenagers benefit from an understanding of MBTI. Coach Ruth is fully-trained and certified in verifying a MMTIC Assessment.

What is the MMTIC® Assessment? Personality Type for Kids ......................................................................
Like the well-known Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® (MBTI®) instrument, the Murphy-Meisgeier Type Indicator for Children® (MMTIC®) is a self-report assessment developed to measure children's psychological type preferences.

The two instruments share the same theoretical approach to understanding personality types, but the MBTI assessment is intended for a mature audience, while the shorter, easier-to-read MMTIC instrument is designed to assess personality type in children and teenagers.

MMTIC results give educators, consultants, counselors, parents, and young people valuable insights into differences in how they learn and engage in healthy social interactions.

Type has profound implications for discovering unique learning styles, empowering early learning success, and encouraging lifelong personal growth and development.

Note: The MMTIC assessment has been validated for native or fluent English speaking young people who are between the ages of 7 and 18 years old.

The instrument should only be delivered to young people with a minimum of a second grade reading level in English.
The MMTIC assessment should not be translated by the Facilitator for children who cannot read and understand the instrument on their own.


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